Friday, 3 May 2013

365 Days of Positivity - Days 8-14

Here is my second week's worth of positivity. I know I'm a bit late in uploading, but better late than never! 

Day 8
I see reading, and love of books as something so important. To learn you need to read, to understand and explore all forms of literature. It doesn't even have to be what everyone considers literature, a comic, a short novel, a poem, everything from words to symbols is so important, and one persons personality and creativity can be expanded through reading.

Day 9
I feel so strongly about helping others and giving second chances, even third, fourth and twentyth chances! Yes, sometimes it's never a good idea to give someone another chance, but if I can not give others another chance, I should definately not expect that they would give me another chance. If everyone helped one another, the world would be such a different place.
Day 10
I love that I look like my mum, it show's she is my mum, and the fact I am so much like her, I just have so much to thank her for. 
Looking like my mum is perfect, amazing, everything I could ever want. I'd never want to look any other way. 
And even though I'm not very confident in my appearance, I see my mum as so beautiful, so I don't understand why I can't see myself the same. 
I love you so much mum.
Day 11
Even now, writing these positive things, and getting stuck on a day, unable to think of what to write for that day, I don't give up, I think all through the day what I could write. I just don't give up.
Day 12
I am so proud of having, and being able to use my imagination. So many people lack of, or don't use their imagination. You NEED to use it, it is essential in discovering new things, creating new things, everything. Life would be boring without imagination.
Day 13
I am actually so proud that I won baby competitions. I have trophies and ribbons and it just makes me so happy. It's hard to think that I was once a cute baby. And when I see photo's of myself so much younger, I can't help but think I was so much more cute and pretty then, than I am now.
Day 14
I can handle pain. Yes, some pain I don't handle well, but I still push through it. I could have a dislocated hip and I'd still walk around, doing my own thing just because I could handle the pain, I could block it out to an extent.

1 comment:

  1. 365 days of positivity - love it! What a great idea. I have a Joy Journal where I write down things that brought me joy each day. I haven't actually written in it in a while because once you get in the habit of finding joy in small things and being grateful, it comes more naturally. I'm glad you are benefiting from this practice!


    Live with CFS
